Salejowebb66Aspirations(0)KS3/4 lesson looing at the importance of having aspirations. Part of the careers unit. Complete lesson.
Salejowebb66Failure(0)KS3/4 lesson looking at the positives of failing. Part of the careers unit. Complete lesson.
Salejowebb66Transferable skills(0)KS3/4 lesson looking at the importance of having transferable skills. Part of the careers unit. Complete lesson.
Salejowebb66Body image - girls(0)KS3/KS4 lesson on body image focusing on girls and how the media distorts our perception of beauty. Complete lesson.
Salejowebb66Body image - boys(0)KS3/KS4 lesson on body image focusing on boys, includes the dangers of taking steroids. Complete lesson.
Salejowebb66Cancer(0)KS4 lesson looking at different types of cancer and the warning signs. Complete lesson.
Salejowebb66Organ, stem cell and blood donation(0)KS4 lesson looking at the organ, stem cell and blood donation. Complete lesson.
Salejowebb66Teenage pregnancy(0)KS4 lesson looking at the options for a teenage pregnancy. Complete lesson.